Işık Tarım, Turkey's first company with an independent organic project, succeeds in transforming ancestral agricultural lands into "Organic Happy Villages" across the country. As the leading processor, packer and exporter of organic dried fruits, hazelnuts and frozen fruits in Turkey, it continues to pioneer in the field of organic food:
- 2021
Işık Tarım took its place among Turkey's Top 500 Largest Industrial Enterprises within the scope of ISO 500.
- 2021
Innovative and new product range has been expanded.
- 2020
Işık Tarım was entitled to become an accredited R&D Center.
- 2020
In-house microbiology and pesticide laboratories were established.
- 2020
A separate facility investment was made in Izmir for snack bar, ball, bites.
- 2020
Plant and processing line investments were made for the production of further processed product groups in the hazelnut plant.
- 2019
Cooperation with EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) was initiated for long-term projects.
- 2019
Işık Tarım started its online branded sales.
- 2017
Işık Tarım received 3rd Biggest Dried Fruit Exporter Prize in 2017 from ‘Turkish Exporters Assembly’.
- 2017
Işık Tarım received 2nd Biggest Dried Fruit Exporter Prize in 2017 from the ‘Aegean Exporters Associations’.
- 2017
With new technological investments, infused product group (strawberry, cherry, sour cherry) was added to the product range.
- 2017
New facility investment was made for capacity increase and efficiency in dried fruit retail products.
- 2015
Hazelnut production in the Black Sea was included in in-house operations and the production
- 2014
Happy Hazelnut Project started by establishing a standard with our project partner, then Happy Hazelnut Project certification was achieved.
- 2013
Our company, ‘AKPINAR GIDA A.Ş’ was established in Afyon. Capacity was increased by investing in a new IQF facility.
- 2013
Our company, ‘ISIK ORGANIC CO’ was established in USA.
- 2013
SEDEX-SMETA social and ethical certificates were obtained.
- 2011
Operational efficiency and capacity increase were achieved by implementing the "Lean Production" methods in dried fruit facility.
- 2009
Our company, ‘Happy Village Food Products Limited’ was established in UK.
- 2007
Production of IQF products was integrated into in-house operations in Afyon.
- 2007
Bio Fair Trade (Fair Trade Sustainability Association) projects have started.
- 2007
Entered the retail industry by investing in retail packaging lines.
- 2003
BRC, Food Safety Standard Certificate was obtained.
- 2002
Işık Tarım became the "First Turkish Company" to receive the JAS Organic certificate from Japan MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan).
- 2001
Entered IQF (Individual Quick Frozen) sector and started to export frozen products.
- 2000
By increasing the product variety within Happy Village Project, organic farming activities were expanded from Aegean Region to all regions in Turkey.
- 2000
Organic strawberry, dark sweet cherry, hazelnut, sour cherry, plum, mulberry and apple projects were initiated.
- 1995
Company invested in drying tunnels.
- 1993
Biodynamic Agriculture (Demeter) project was started within the scope of Happy Village Project.
- 1992
Işık Tarım became the first member of IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) in Turkey.
- 1991
Company started the first independent organic project (Happy Village Project) in Turkey to expand organic farming.
- 1989
“Işık Kollektif Şirketi” was transformed into “Işık Tarım Ürünleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S”
- 1987
First raisin export, it is made to Europe.
- 1984
Raisin processing facility was established in Izmir, Oren.
- 1983
Mehmet Ali Işık established his unlimited company, “Işık Kollektif Şirketi”
Işık Tarım continues its sustainable organic agriculture projects in harmony with the ecosystem by expanding organic Happy Villages in Turkey, and expands its goal to become a global brand that produces and markets organic, healthy, fair and tasty products..