R & D

In 2020, Işık Tarım became an accredited R&D center approved by the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey. Our company is the pioneer of research and development in its sectors. Our R&D team of more than 30 members includes food science and technology experts, biochemists, engineers, sensory science experts, microbiologists and technicians. Işık Tarım gradually increases its R&D investments every year in the light of scientific and technological developments.

Işık Tarım R&D Center brings together the best minds of the food industry to develop innovative, healthy, nutritious, delicious and reliable products based on customer satisfaction. It also provides a scientific infrastructure for innovative food products, from research on food safety, nutrition and health to the development of product and packaging formulations.

Işık Tarım R&D Center conducts many analyses such as physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory tests. In addition, advanced chromatographic (residue-pesticide) analyses such as method development, optimization, analysis and result assessment are also carefully carried out during the food formulation development and quality assessment phase.

Our center coordinates national and international R&D projects supported by TÜBİTAK, EUREKA, TAGEM and carried out in cooperation with universities and various R&D centers, as well as advanced research projects developed with our own capital.

Our R&D Center has physical, chemical, microbiology, instrumental analysis and product development laboratories.

There are 5 laboratories in our R&D Center

Physical Analysis Laboratory Physical Analysis Laboratory

Işık Tarım R&D Center Physical Laboratory performs physical checks of food products from raw materials to the final product by performing analyses such as sample preparation, sample physical checks and shelf life tests. In the Physical Laboratory, the physical profile of existing and newly developed products is determined. The shelf life of new products is also determined in this laboratory. In addition, the physical laboratory has the potential to conduct studies on color, tissue, texture and other physical analyses as needed with the development of new products.

Chemical Analysis Laboratory Chemical Analysis Laboratory

In the Chemistry Laboratory of Işık Tarım R&D Center, chemical analyses such as moisture content, water activity, acidity (pH), peroxide value, free fatty acids, etc. are performed to check the chemical quality of food products from raw materials to the final product. In the Chemistry Laboratory, new products are chemically profiled. This profile is created by routine methods or newly developed methods. The accuracy of new method studies is kept under control in various ways. Accurate and reliable results are provided with standardized analysis methods.

Microbiology Analysis Laboratory
Microbiology Analysis Laboratory
Microbiology Analysis Laboratory
Microbiology Analysis Laboratory
Microbiology Analysis Laboratory

Işık Tarım R&D Center Microbiology Laboratory performs microbiology checks (TPC, mold and yeast analyses and pathogen analyses), hygiene and sanitation checks of personnel and production equipment (SWAB) from the raw material to the final product. Microbiology analyses are performed using classical methods and Gene-UP PCR device. Beneficial micro-organism counts can be performed in the microbiology laboratory when needed. In addition, the microbiology laboratory has the potential to study many microorganisms and pathogens in line with the needs of new products and public health.

Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

In the Instrumental Analysis Laboratory of Işık Tarım R&D Center, pesticide, residue and mycotoxin analyses are performed using LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS, GC-MS/HS, HPLC devices from raw material to final product. More than 800 residue and pesticide measurements can be made in the instrumental analysis laboratory. These parameters can be increased according to market needs. Each parameter can be measured with standard methods or new methods can be developed specific to the product or parameter. In addition to pesticides and mycotoxins, other parameters such as phenolic compounds, antioxidants and volatile components can be measured as needed.

Product Development Laboratory Product Development Laboratory

Işık Tarım R&D Center Product Development Laboratory has a large number of innovative equipment. Many product development projects are carried out in the Product Development Laboratory. These projects can sometimes be on the development of a new product or on the improvement of existing products. Kitchen trials are carried out by applying the process in real production with pilot scale equipment. For products that are successful in these trials, tasting activities are carried out with target consumers and company employees. Only safe, delicious, healthy and sustainable products that are in line with market demands are offered to our customers and consumers.

Işık Tarım R&D Center continues to develop innovative food products of the future in the organic food sector.