
As Işık Tarım, we have been producing with sensitivity to ensure food safety from field to dinner since the day we were founded.

With the principles of "Quality" and "Safe Food" that we apply within our organization, we strive to minimize food safety risks in agricultural and production areas in accordance with our role in the food supply chain. Aware of the requirements of national and international legal regulations, we resolutely maintain our pioneering role in the sector by fulfilling quality and food safety requirements within the scope of our responsibilities towards ourselves and our customers.

In line with our extensive role in the food supply chain, we carry out continuous activities with our farmers, employees, solution partners, suppliers and customers to create and maintain a Food Safety Culture. Işık Tarım effectively manages food safety risks that may arise by following legal changes, scientific developments and newly developed processes, and makes the necessary investments to integrate innovations into the system. Our company produces organic, sustainable, healthy and safe products for society.

Raw Material Raw Material

Işık Tarım food safety practices start from the field. Our company starts quality control activities from the field stage by performing soil, water and leaf analyses and provides consultancy to farmers on crop management with its experienced agricultural engineer staff. In order to control environmental contaminants, we organize widespread trainings and increase producer awareness. By collecting samples from different stages of production, it keeps the risks of chemical pesticide contamination under control. Işık Tarım effectively manages the threats that may arise along the supply chain by taking precautions against chemical, physical and biological hazards at the product/crop production stage, which is the first chain of food production.

Agricultural products reaching our facilities from almost every region of Türkiye and the Happy Village project are assessed for quality/food safety compliance and all quality and food safety risks are kept under control in accordance with food safety requirements through our in-house laboratories where pesticide, microbiology, mycotoxin and other physical-chemical analyses are performed, as well as domestic and foreign laboratories.

Processing Process Processing Process

Işık Tarım has organized its enterprises according to BRC and IFS Food Safety Management System requirements. It carries out Cleaning-Hygiene-Sanitation, foreign matter contamination measures, water management, product management, pest management, hygiene controls, Environmental Microbiological Monitoring Programs, Allergen management, Waste management programs in accordance with "Good Manufacturing Practices" and continuously improves itself according to the renewed conditions.

In Işık Tarım facilities, all kinds of foreign substances and quality defects that may come from the primary production stage are removed by using high-tech laser, X-ray, camera sorter systems from the entrance of the product and all final products are passed through metal detectors suitable for different production technologies. During the operation, field observations, lot conformity checks, process quality checks and conformity assessments are carried out by process quality control engineers.

Final Product Final Product

The final products, which have passed all conformity checks during operation, are checked for the last time according to the final product control parameters determined according to customer conditions and legal requirements. After the physical, chemical and microbiological conformity assessment, they are assessed by the quality team according to the Product Release procedure and loading approvals are given. Işık Tarım Food Analysis Laboratories responds to the determined quality and food safety parameters in an accurate, reliable, impartial and fast manner and its competence is verified by participating in international competence tests. Qualitative tests and analyzes, which start in the field, continue in internal and external laboratories at the final product stage as well as during the cultivation process.

Işık Tarım Kalite Görseli
Physical Analyses: After the physical checks carried out at the raw material stage, they are subjected to many different quality tests and then physically analyzed again in our laboratories when they reach the final product stage. Physical quality checks are carried out on all products by using the following physical tests in the final products;
  • Appearance
  • Number and Size
  • Defects
  • Foreign Materials
  • Weight
Chemical Analyses: After different tests and analyzes during the raw material acceptance and cultivation process, our products that reach the final product stage are also subjected to some chemical tests.
  • Moisture
  • Water Activity
  • Sulfurdioxide
  • Oil
  • Peroxide number
  • Acidity Value
  • Free Chlorine Determination
Işık Tarım Kalite Görseli
Işık Tarım Kalite Görseli
Microbiological Analyses: After different tests and analyzes during the raw material acceptance and cultivation process, our products that reach the final product stage are also subjected to some microbiological tests.
  • Total aerobic bacteria
  • Mold
  • Yeast
  • Enterobacteriacea
  • Coliform
  • Escherichia coli
  • Bacillus Cereus
  • Staphyloccocus Aureus
  • Listeria Monocytogenes
  • Salmonella Spp.
Instrumental Analyses: After the different tests and analyzes performed during the raw material acceptance and cultivation process, our products reaching the final product stage are also subjected to the necessary instrumental tests.
  • Aflatoxin
  • Ochratoxin
  • Patulin
  • Polar pesticides
  • Hydrocyanic acid
  • GC-MS/MS
  • LC-MS/MS
  • HS-GC-MS
Işık Tarım Kalite Görseli

Işık Tarım is on its way to becoming a worldwide brand by producing safe and healthy products with the idea of respect for the ecosystem starting from the seed and extending to human beings. Prioritizing the health and safety of its customers, Işık Tarım is constantly working to maintain its leadership in the organic food sector by integrating global quality criteria with the institutions it has developed within its organization.

If it not safe, it is not food!